Music Together - Bath Dance Works

Summer 2024 Classes

July and August Monday and Tues. mornings 6 wks with Molly

Fall 2024 Classes 

Wednesdays 10:30-11:15 with Sharon Pyne

Thursdays 9:15-10:00  with Molly Tinker

Thursdays 10:30-11:15 with Molly

Friday 9:30-10:15  with Molly Tinker

Fridays 10:45-11:00  with Molly Tinker

10 week session $150 include CDs, Songbook and Parent Guide.

207-522-3900 or

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Music Together is a music and movement classes for infants, toddlers and preschooler with their parents and caregivers. Classes take place on weekday mornings in Brunswick, Bath and Wiscasset. Activities include fingerplays, scarf dances, singing games and instuments jams. These 45 minute weekly classes continue for ten weeks and are led by a  trained teacher. For more information, see the websites above.